Strange and unexplained places and sightings

Month: April 2020


Did the Romans travel to ancient Japan? Historians will tell you the answer is “NO”, but an archaeological find in Japan suggests that once again, historians have got it wrong.

Ancient Roman coins were found in December 2013 in an excavation of Katswen Castle on the island of Okinawa. The castle was known to be a major centre for trade with other Asian countries, but the coins found in 2013 were actually Roman.

The 5 Roman coins are the first evidence of any European connection to Asia at that very early date.

Read more here:


An archaeological team have been excavating sites in the Kenyan village of Mambrui, looking for evidence of the Muslim Sultanate of Malinde. Until now, history books said that Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama was the first outsider to reach the area.

But those archaeologists found an astonishing Chinese coin on the site, dating from the 1420s, decades before the first European ships reached the area.

The coin is believed to be evidence that the renowned Chinese Fleet of Zheng He reached this part of Africa, and not just Indonesia and Pacific islands as historians previously thought.

You can read more here:

The strange animal that terrified 18th century France

The Mysterious Beast of Gevaudan

The Gevaudan monster that terrified 18th century France
The Gevaudan Monster in a contemporary drawing. Creative Commons image

In late 1764, reports emerged from the French provincial area of Gevaudan that a monstrous animal was terrorising villages and killing people.

Read the fascinating story by clicking on this link:

Previously unknown civilisation discovered in Turkey

A mysterious “lost kingdom” dating to between 900 – 600BC has been discovered after a chance find by archaeologists in Turkey.

Hieroglyphs etched in stone suggest the rulers of the civilisation may have conquered the kingdom ruled by King Midas, the legendary ancient ruler said to have a golden touch. 

An international team of researchers were working on a significant archaeological dig in Ankara, when they were tipped off by a local farmer who had come across a large and unusual piece of rock while dredging a drainage ditch on his land nearby.

You can read more about this amazing discovery here:

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