Strange and unexplained places and sightings

Month: March 2020


Were the city builders helped by aliens?

When historians first started to write textbooks on the history of civilisations, they firmly believed that societies evolved gradually, in small increments. Nomadic tribes settled and created a small village that then slowly grew into a small town, then a city.

In short, cities evolved over a long time.

But actually, modern dating techniques have revealed a shocking truth – large cities often appeared out of almost nowhere!

Click here to learn more.


A satellite-produced map of Earth before the Ice Age?

This map made before 1513 shows Antarctica centuries before anyone went there, shows the Atlantic Ocean as if seen from a satellite and shows the Antarctic continent without ice.

Did aliens create this map?

Click here to learn more.


Teotihuacan has been a mystery for hundreds of years. A city of 150,000 people that was at its peak 1,500 years ago, by the time of the Aztecs 500 years later, no-one remembered who had built the city and why it was abandoned. It became the city of legends and stories.

And even now, with the nest of modern archaeological methods, we still don’t know the ethnic origins of the people who built and lived in this enormous city.

Click here to learn more.

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